Kenneth Lee
Ken served
in Viet Nam with the 3rd Mar Div, 3rd Btn, 9th
Marines from ?68 to
?69 until he was medivaced out. He served in Dong Ha, Khesan,
Valley, Valentines Ridge, Quang
Tri City, Dakron
Valley, Camp Caroll, Fire Base Cunningham, and other areas of operation
throughout III Corps. Ken received three purple hearts. He is currently working
for NASA as software/hardware integration engineer on the Space Shuttle Project.
Ken is a seven-time state, national, and world champion in the Martial Arts and
was awarded the "Black Sash" in the Tien Shan Pai Kungfu system. He has been
writing for over thirty years and has published Whispers of Reality, a
book of poems and short stories. He is working on Sugar Coated Smiles, a
children?s book of poems and pictures and a novel titled Marines in the Mist.
I Once Breathed The Fire Of Dragons
I once breathed the fire of Dragons
With the thirst of a warrior true
And my heart was charged with rage
I was the instrument of death and mayhem
That brought fear to the souls of my enemies
For I once breathed the fire of Dragons
And in my rage I conquered dreams and ideas
But I was lost, until I drank the silence of the world
I was invisible until I sensed the reason for existence
And then, did my blade become dull and my will confused
For I once breathed the fire of Dragons
That tested my lust for life and engulfed my sanity
With a rainbow of idealistic dreams called nightmares
And to this day, when night becomes a blanket of fear
I thank God, that I have evolved from whence I came
For I once breathed the fire of Dragons
And I learned from the hardships of life to endure
To look forward, vice the place, where war was the answer
To a place where once I starved my soul for honor
Crouching from reality, as I plunged my dagger deep
For I once breathed the fire of Dragons
And now my heart seeks intolerance and peace
Despite the bloodstained sword of valor, I stand erect
I have tasted and enjoyed the flavor of peace
I have made friendships with existence and devotion
For I once breathed the fire of Dragons
And unbeknown to me, being passive made me stronger
And I learned the value of friendship and trust
Casting down my instruments of war and death
Flinging to the wind my cavlaw shield and helmet
To build nations with ideals and peace, without the wars
For I once breathed the fire of Dragons
Letter from a Solder
My love, I write to you between the spurts of violent death
That confronts me as I do the solders part in this coldness
Of bitter war, that transforms souls into animals of chance
And leave on the battleground, the many corpses of flesh
Forward we marched into the fiery arms of death, or on to glory
The strong heart of the darkened solder, armed with just courage
And the bayonet of justice, watching only for and instant, death
Falling around his steps to hold the line, and go strongly forward
Splattering of red death and gore of comrades, their glory met
On the battlefield of life, with the musket balls of prejudice
Looming over deeds of valor, and perseverance in gallant acts
That marks the true virtue of the common man of principles
Forward we marched, to for-fill our destiny, and path to life
Where we thought the slavery would end, an end to the persecution
Of our countless generation of warriors, of men of color, who fought on
That stood the ground and pressed onward into battle, victory won
Forward we marched, shoulder to shoulder with heart and sword in hand
To fight the battle being waged in the minds and soul of all mankind
I smite thee with the sword of valor, and challenge your soul to resist
The agony of the darkened solders plight for freedom, of spirit and soul
Oh, fight I must, these shattered bones of mine do cry for help
Though fruitless, are my efforts of comfort, as still I fight on
Through the darkened hours of my life, my duty as a loyal solder
To my cause, the end, will not be won, in my lifetime of hope
Onward into battle, my path is set by destinies hand of fate
Which reaps the sorrow of my tear stained cheek and blouse
With the blood of fallen comrades, of this fight for glory
At great cost and payment, to the reaper of the hearts and souls
March on, to the tune of the fife and drum, march on to glory
And feel the courage of desire, the courage to sing the elusive song
The song of the freedom bird, and not the vulture of the battlefield
And only then, shall the solders fight for the high ground, be won
Only then will my heart be returned, to you my love
Intact with feeling, that we shall share this freedom won
And insure another generation, where those that bled and died
Have secured for all, life and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
I say farewell for now, my love, for the bugle sounds the call to charge
The bugle sounds the call, for us to die or go forward, to share the victory song
Through the sacrifice of mind and body, to reap the cost of freedom
Onward into battle, for this I give to you my love, my cry for freedom
Oh, how I long to be in your arms again and put behind me, this conflict
That I am duty bound, to this task of war, this errant of merciless folly
That will claim is time, even me, that hungers for your love and charm
Again, I say farewell my love, for victory or death, calls me forward
So kiss my son for me my love, and tell him of the path upon which I dwell
With my future in the hands of God, and my life in the skill of my courage
Tell him of his father?s quest, and battle cry for freedom and justice
And by the might of God, I will return
Your Loving Husband
Corporal Ezekial Hunt
4th Colored Infantry Regiment
United States Colored Troops
April 12, 1863