In 1993, Vietnam Veterans Mike McDonell and Clyde Wray founded the Memorial Day Writers' Project (MDWP) as a creative venue for veterans and those who have been touched by war. We invite you to join us in Washington, DC each Memorial Day and Veterans Day. For more information contact Mike McDonell or Dick Epstein
The MDWP sets up a tent, rain or shine, and provides an open mic venue on the Mall adjacent to the Vietnam Memorial each Memorial Day and Veteran's Day. MDWP participants have also come together to read at veterans' gatherings, college campuses, churches, high schools, book stores, and libraries.
The prose, poetry and songs presented on this web site represent a sampling from our open mic venue on the Mall. The men and women represented here speak the truth; their truth, and offer a look inside our fellow veterans−your neighbors−the grey-haired man two houses away or the woman across the street.